Internal Audit Services

Internal Audit Services

Product ID : IAS-01

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The internal audit of a company is all about the internal control of a business. It comprises the corporate governance and accounting processes. It is important to check if the company works according to the laws and regulations.


Internal audit services offered at Majed Alshamsi Auditing in UAE cover business operations as well as the internal entity of a company. Our prime aim is to allow the business to have special tools to boost operational efficiency. The professionals of audit first look into the problems and then come up with the right solution. Our prime focus is always to remove the legal issues.

Top Services Comprises


  1. Risk-Based Internal Audits

  2. Compliance Audits

  3. Operational Audits

  4. Internal Control Assessments

  5. Fraud Risk Assessments

  6. Continuous Auditing and Monitoring 

The main objective of the internal audit services in Dubai

  • Achieving effectiveness as well as the value of all business operations.
  • Make sure that the company’s assets are safeguarded.
  • Creating on-time financial reporting with great accuracy to increase the trustworthiness of the company.
  • Make sure that all business aspects follow the laws and regulations.

Internal Audit Services in Dubai​

Our team of professional internal auditors, proprietary resources, and personalized tools are supportive in understanding the goals. Our internal audit process begins with a comprehensive analysis of your business, followed by developing a policy that aligns with your long-term aims.

Contact us now for more information on Internal Audit Services in Dubai!